Dress Up Alice is found in Portland Oregon boutiques:

Radish Underground www.radishunderground.com

Union Rose www.unionrosepdx.com

Mag-Big on Hawthorne http://magbig.com/

FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/dressupalice?ref=name


Working from the Inside Out

It's always funny when you are doing so much and it just doesn't show on the outside... yet. It's like a volcano, never seeing the activity until it erupts. Well that is just what is happening with Dress Up Alice. Amber has been busy drafting new patters and now has connected with Skye Blue Can Sew for grading her patterns into more sizes. With this new relationship more designs can come to fruition and this means more new looks! Amber is also in conversation with Portland Garment Factory and getting her designs on the production table. This is even more exciting. So look out for new late summer dresses, tops and availability.